Get Involved

Theatre Bay Area has proudly served the San Francisco Bay Area theatre community for nearly 50 years.
When you join Theatre Bay Area, you become part of a community of theatremakers – a vibrant community of performers, directors, designers, administrators, and performing arts organizations who make up the unique diversity of our Bay Area theatre scene.
Our Company Members include the full spectrum of theatre companies across 11 counties, including LORT theatres, nonprofits of all sizes, cultural centers, intimate venues, community theatres, and small and independent artist collectives. Together, we are an alliance of theatremakers that promotes, strengthens, and advocates for the theatre industry in our region.
Grant Panels
For each of Theatre Bay Area's grants, we convene a panel of community members to review the applications and make all granting decisions. The experience is a great learning opportunity for grant writers and other arts workers to gain insight into the grantmaking process, and panelists are compensated for their time.
Want to learn more? Check out our panelist guidelines.
Opportunities for Company Members
Virtual Coffee Hour - Artistic Directors
3:00 - 4:00 PM the first and third Monday of each month - Virtual
Once a month, TBA holds space for all Artistic Directors and Head Artistic Leadership from TBA member companies to discuss issues, share resources, and explore ideas in a confidential space. This is a space to connect with other artistic leaders in the Bay Area, learn and grow with your peers in the industry, and build community to strengthen our regional theatre ecosystem. Meetings are held virtually on Zoom, the third Mondays of every month, from 3-4pm. All you need to bring is your afternoon drink of choice, your recent challenges and successes, and your desire to connect!
Virtual Coffee Hour - Managing Directors
4:00 - 5:00 PM the first Wednesday of each month - Virtual
Once a month, TBA convenes a meeting of Managing Directors from TBA member companies to discuss issues, share resources, and explore ideas in a confidential space. All MDs of TBA member companies are welcome to join us! The meetings are on Zoom, the first Wednesday of every month, 4-5pm.
Virtual Coffee Hour - Arts Marketing
Monthly on a Wednesday - Virtual
Join TBA's Marketing and Communications Officer, Art Quiñones, for a virtual gathering of Bay Area arts marketers. We'll discuss the successes and challenges we're seeing in the field, share cross-promotional opportunities, and find ways to support each other in bringing audiences back to live performing arts.
Theatre Services Committee (TSC)
10:30 - 11:30 AM the third Wednesday of each month - Virtual
The Theatre Services Committee is an advisory board made up of representatives from TBA member companies. The TSC is engaged in the development of TBA programs and events by giving feedback, advice, and ideas to TBA leadership in monthly meetings. As their schedules allow, the TSC also serves as ambassadors for TBA, helping to spread the word about TBA programs and events, and participating as panelists, webinar hosts, and more. The TSC meets monthly for one hour on zoom and quarterly in-person at a Bay Area theatre production or other social event!
Membership on the TSC is open to every TBA company member and aims to represent the full diversity of Bay Area theatre in race, gender, dis/ability, geographic region, company size, and company mission.
Interested in Joining the TSC? Here's all you need:
- You represent a TBA member company
- You like getting advance notification of grant deadlines, event dates, and new programs
- You want to express your opinion, air your ideas, and advocate for issues important to you and your company
- You’re available from 10:30am - 11:30am on the third Wednesday of each month
Come to a meeting to see if joining the TSC is right for you!
Board of Directors
TBA is recruiting people to serve on our Board of Directors. The Board of Directors is TBA’s oversight body, guiding and advising TBA in its strategic planning, budgeting, policymaking, and major decisions. Board Members raise funds for TBA, promote TBA’s programs and events, volunteer support in their areas of expertise, and provide guidance to the Executive Director. We are seeking Board Members who are representative of our diverse Bay Area community, particularly trans and nonbinary people, disabled people, and BIPOC.
You don’t need to be a theatre professional to serve! In fact, we are actively looking for people with expertise in member service orgs, nonprofit law, grantmaking/philanthropy, and fundraising. If you have expertise in one of those areas, love theatre, and want to support TBA’s mission, we’d love to connect with you!
Interested? Contact Executive Director Sean Fenton at