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Theatre Advocates Mobilize in Response to California’s Gig Worker Law

a light skinned woman with blue eyes and shoulder length red curly hair. She is wearing a teal shirt and a sliver necklace.

by Rotimi Agbabiaka Last month, California’s AB5 went into effect, requiring companies across the state to reclassify their independent contractors as employees in order to comply with classification guidelines set down by the California Supreme Court’s 2018 decision in the “Dynamex” case. The law, which was aimed at the profit-maximizing practices of tech giants like…

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Theatre Bay Area and AB5

Theatre Bay Area Logo. Pink circle with a gradient of pink triangles inside pointing from the upper left corner to the lower right. Meant to simulate a stage light. On the right is the word Theatre in big rounded text with Bay Area written in a smaller blocky text below it.

A message from the board of Theatre Bay Area: Many in our community are asking questions about AB5, the new California employment law that went into effect January 1 and outlines new rules around classifying workers as employees or independent contractors. Aimed at the growing “gig economy,” the law extends far beyond, reaching almost every…

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Headshots 101: Part One

Theatre Bay Area Logo. Pink circle with a gradient of pink triangles inside pointing from the upper left corner to the lower right. Meant to simulate a stage light. On the right is the word Theatre in big rounded text with Bay Area written in a smaller blocky text below it.

by Rotimi Agbabiaka As 2020 approaches you may be thinking, “New year, new me, new headshots?” Often an actor’s first introduction to potential employers, that 8 by 10 image can bear the weight of much anxiety and hope. To help you put your best face forward, we chatted with some of the Bay Area’s favorite headshot photographers…

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The Business of Show Biz – Getting Notes From A Fellow Actor

Headshot of Velina Brown. She is a black woman with short cropped hair. She is wearing a light blue shirt and standing in front of green foliage. She is smiling with her teeth showing.

by Velina Brown Q: A while ago I was cast in an AEA show with an actor who took it on themselves to give notes to their fellow actors after opening. This would happen during the fight call, in front of stage management, and when we had no choice but to be there. Once the actor…

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The Business of Show Biz: Burning A Bridge

Headshot of Velina Brown. She is a black woman with short cropped hair. She is smiling with her teeth showing. She is wearing a black shirt and leaning against a wood paneled background.

by Velina Brown Q: I saw the letter you posted on Facebook regarding the show about Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings. After reading the letter I could see what you and the group of women who wrote the letter were upset about. But honestly, when I first heard about the show I didn’t see a problem…

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Arts and Community Members Assemble at City Hall for San Francisco Arts Advocacy Day

Theatre Bay Area staff joined nearly 400 artists, arts administrators, cultural producers, and cultural ambassadors in a spirited rally to advocate for (1) policy priorities (2) a message of “No Cuts,” and (3) stories about the transformative nature of cultural and creative expression. Theatre Bay Area staff gathers with colleagues from Z Space and Yerba…

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The Business of Show Biz: Mind Your Own Beeswax

Headshot of Velina Brown. She is a black woman with short cropped hair. She is wearing a light blue shirt and standing in front of green foliage. She is smiling with her teeth showing.

By Velina Brown Q: I was recently in a play with someone who just didn’t have the proper process before shows. She would eat dinner an hour before curtain, whereas my favorite acting teacher in school always said not to eat before a show because it will make you gassy and bloated and weigh you down.…

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The Business of Show Biz: Wanting to Quit the Show

Headshot of Velina Brown. She is a black woman with short cropped hair. She is smiling with her teeth showing. She is wearing a black shirt and leaning against a wood paneled background.

By Velina Brown Q: Okay, weird question. I just started rehearsals for a show. I am cast to play opposite someone that I just don’t like at all. I mean I really don’t like him. He is replacing an actor I was excited to work with but who suddenly had to leave due to a…

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10 Tips for Choosing Your Audition Monologue

Headshot of Melissa Hillman. A light skinned woman with blue eyes, black oval glasses and wearing red lipstick with a nose ring. She has red hair with bangs. She is smiling with her teeth showing.

By Melissa Hillman Finding the right piece can be one of the most stressful parts of a big audition. Often what works very well within the context of a full production won’t serve you well as an audition monologue. Stress no more! Bay Area casting directors Amy Potozkin, Meryl Shaw, Josh Costello and yours truly…

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