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The Business of Show Biz – Getting Notes From A Fellow Actor
by Velina Brown Q: A while ago I was cast in an AEA show with an actor who took it on themselves to give notes to their fellow actors after opening. This would happen during the fight call, in front of stage management, and when we had no choice but to be there. Once the actor…
Read MoreThe Business of Show Biz: Burning A Bridge
by Velina Brown Q: I saw the letter you posted on Facebook regarding the show about Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings. After reading the letter I could see what you and the group of women who wrote the letter were upset about. But honestly, when I first heard about the show I didn’t see a problem…
Read MoreProposed Increases to NEA and NEH: A Letter from Brad Erickson
Dear Colleagues, Advocacy works! Monday morning we received word from Americans for the Arts and other leading advocacy organizations that Congress has reached a bipartisan agreement that not only sustains crucial support for federal cultural agencies but actually increases funding for the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities by $2 million…
Read MoreArts and Community Members Assemble at City Hall for San Francisco Arts Advocacy Day
Theatre Bay Area staff joined nearly 400 artists, arts administrators, cultural producers, and cultural ambassadors in a spirited rally to advocate for (1) policy priorities (2) a message of “No Cuts,” and (3) stories about the transformative nature of cultural and creative expression. Theatre Bay Area staff gathers with colleagues from Z Space and Yerba…
Read MoreArts Advocates Take Capitol Hill for Arts Advocacy Day 2017!
Theatre Bay Area Executive Director Brad Erickson (Americans for the Arts’ Co Captain for California) and Managing Director Rachel Fink gathered with hundreds of arts advocates in Washington, D.C. for Americans for the Arts’ 30th annual Arts Advocacy Day to tell our Senators and Congressional representatives that we expect strong federal support for arts and culture, affordable health care, and robust…
Read MoreThe Business of Show Biz: Mind Your Own Beeswax
By Velina Brown Q: I was recently in a play with someone who just didn’t have the proper process before shows. She would eat dinner an hour before curtain, whereas my favorite acting teacher in school always said not to eat before a show because it will make you gassy and bloated and weigh you down.…
Read MoreThe Business of Show Biz: Wanting to Quit the Show
By Velina Brown Q: Okay, weird question. I just started rehearsals for a show. I am cast to play opposite someone that I just don’t like at all. I mean I really don’t like him. He is replacing an actor I was excited to work with but who suddenly had to leave due to a…
Read More10 Tips for Choosing Your Audition Monologue
By Melissa Hillman Finding the right piece can be one of the most stressful parts of a big audition. Often what works very well within the context of a full production won’t serve you well as an audition monologue. Stress no more! Bay Area casting directors Amy Potozkin, Meryl Shaw, Josh Costello and yours truly…
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